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Minutes 05/26/2010
May 26, 2010 | 10:00am – 11am | City Hall (Rm 311)
Commissioners Present: Steve Criss, Aurora Daly, Lynn Gelormino, Gail Kruppa,
Jessica Hodorski, Julia Sloan, Tim Wallace, Jacque Williams.
Members Present: Tom Bott, Diane Consolini, Cindy Donaldson,Patricia Manguso, Rose
Ponte, Rick Sheldon.
I. Call To Order: 10:11am
Motion: Lynn Gelormino
Second: Jessica Hodorski
II. Acceptance of previous Meeting Minutes- Accepted
Motion: Jessica Hodorski
Second: Lynn Gelormino
III.Sub Committee Reports:
A. Memorial Day Parade – Julia reported that 2 banners are being printed for the
parade and Wrightway Sign is sponsoring. We will give them an ad in the Main Street
Market Place program book in exchange. Marchers are: Steve Criss, Lynn
Gelormino, Jessica Hodorski, Julia Sloan and the SSN. Everyone marching will meet
at south side of Torrington Plaza at 8:45. If there are any cars driving, they need to
be at the park by 8:30.
B. Main Street Marketplace – Steve & Committee reported the following: Set-up
will be from 4-5pm set-up; event will run from 5-9pm. Water Street to Mason Street
will be closed to make room for 20 Vendors have signed on with more being added.
Torrington Farmer’s Market and Litchfield Farmer’s Market are attending. A few
nights are still available for Jazz musicians to play from 7-9pm. So far SSN musicians
and the Torrington Symphony are on board. YPO and Torrington Saving’s Bank would
like to help with set-up and break-down. It was recommended to also ask AIC. It
was decided that political candidates can purchase a booth at the event. Evening
entertainment aside from the jazz groups include PAL, Forbes Flyers, All Star
Transportation and many more. There will also be an open air “paint out” where
artists will be encouraged to set-up their canvas and paint during the events. Then
the works will go on display and be up for voting. Whichever pieces(s) win will be
featured as “e-cards” on
C. ACT Membership Feasibility - Please see attachment A from Tom Bott and
Aurora Daly. Membership is shaping up nicely and require a change in the ACT bilaws.
D. Torrington Mural Project – Cindy Donaldson and Tom Bott reported that there
is no new news. The committee is simply waiting to clear up matters regarding the
Libby’s building and then will reorganize as a group to get the project started again.
E. - Steve Criss reported that the website to launch
Memorial Day Weekend. Currently, the website will operate completely independently
from the NWCT Arts Council page. In the future, ACT membership fees will go
towards hosting the site.
F. Singer/Songwriter Network- Please see Jacque’s Attachment B.
G. Artspace:Torrington- Tabled
H. Torrington Arts Resource Report- Tabled
IV. Open Floor - Rose Ponte reported on new storefronts/businesses in town: Bender
Plumbing, CT Design Art Gallery and Bella’s Boutique all opening soon.
V. Upcoming ACT Meetings
A. Official ACT Meeting – June 30th 10am – City Hall
B. Main Street Marketplace – Every Wednesday 10am – City Hall
VI. Call to Close: 11:40
Motion: Jacque Williams
Second: Jessica Hodorski
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Hodorski
Jessica Hodorski, Secretary
Attachment A
Membership in ACT
DRAFT 5.13.10
Open to art organizations and individuals in Torrington that provide production,
presentation, or preservation of visual, musical, literary, and performing arts. This includes,
but is not limited to theater, drama, dance, painting, vocal and instrumental music,
sculpture, ceramics, film, graphic arts, photography, architecture, crafts, costume and
fashion design.
Open to cultural organizations and individuals in Torrington that provide training, education,
and enlightenment of the mind, emotions, manners, and taste. This includes, but is not
limited to libraries, museums, historical, creative writing, and literature groups,
Open to individuals who support the arts and culture in Torrington.
3A-2 A Change “members” to “commissioners” throughout paragraph. Add: Individuals
artists and art and cultural organizations may become members of ACT by payment of an
annual membership fee to be set by the commissioners.
Arts & Culture Commission of Torrington (ACT)
Membership Application DRAFT 5.13.10
Purpose of ACT: To promote Torrington’s diverse arts and cultural assets, to foster
economic growth through these assets, strengthen our cultural identity and contribute to
the quality of life in Torrington and its environs..
Date: _____________
Check one:
___ Art or cultural organizations
___ Individual artists:
Membership fee:
Income under $25,000/year $_____
Income over $25,000/year $_____
Friends of ACT : Membership fee $ ___
Name _________________________________________
City/state, zip___________________________________
Email Address___________________________________
Send completed application and check payable to ACT to:
Arts & Culture Commission of Torrington
City Hall
Torrington, CT 06790
Attachment B- DRAFT